Thursday, June 11, 2009

Suitcase Donations for Foster Kids

Read about a sad problem with a happy "feel good/do good" resolution in today's Boston Globe. Displaced foster children come and go , carrying their belongings in a sad black trash bag. I also learned foster children, on average, move 4 times. Sad. Very Sad. Think about it - if you were a kid and all your belongings were carried in trash bag, wouldn't you feel sad, worthless/not valuable, disposable like trash? Wouldn't it be good if they could have something of their own to carry their belongings in? To give themselves a sense of ownership, permanency, home?Thankfully, there is a Suitcase Donation Initiative for Foster Children that supports this need. Great way to pay forward alittle kindness and help with little to no effort.

Locally, this initiative is being organized in Haverhill. A suitcase drop off is being held this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. with three drop-off points coordinated at Triton Regional High School, Pentucket Regional High School, and Masconomet Regional High School.Haverhill not convenient? Consider working with one of your own community groups or employer and launch an initiative within your own community. Starter Kits and Guidelines are available online.

Time to clean out the cellar, attic, and closets of old suitcases, gym bags, and duffel bags. Put them to good use by donating to this cause and help put a smile on a kid's face.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great idea