Thursday, June 25, 2009

FireFly Turns Bottles into Lights

Shopped the aisles of Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS) this morning and discovered my new favorite gadget. It's called FireFly. It's a bottle lid that allows you to convert any standard wide mouth water bottle into a lantern. FireFly's unique lid design includes an LED light that spreads light throughout the bottle. I'll be saving time, money and effort today because I'm buying several FireFlys for 2009 Christmas season at the EMS 20% off one item sale going on now through July 14th

FireFly includes variable light settings so you can have a nightlight for stormy nights, a trail mark for an outdoor adventure, or a reading light for enjoying your latest good read the control is at your finger tip! Net, net, it makes a long lasting lantern for anywhere (i.e., camping, dorm room, apt., car. etc.). Takes 3 triple A batteries. Waterproof. Costs $20. Perfect for your favorite camper, night time runner, college student, or someone like me who reads in the dark while her spouse blissfully slumbers.

Available at EMS, REI, and Dick's Sporting Goods.

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