Holidays are just around the corner. No time like the present to start thinking about your projects are presents. So, here are some tips for you to consider:
1. Plan ahead. Make the most of your time by planning ahead. Organize your projects, develop your checklists for supplies, keep an eye on estimated time for completing. Whatever you've estimated for time, tack on an extra 30% to ensure on-time completion. I usually start planning in April and collect items over the course of several months for my projects.
2. Load balance. Keep an eye on your availability to complete. Be careful not to take on more projects than you can realistically handle. Nothing like over-committing to drive up your stress level and reduce your own level of fun.
3. Set Aside Time. Carve out some time for yourself either daily or weekly basis to work on your projects. Looking to squeak out some extra time? Look for opportunities to multi-task. Toss a small project in your bag and work on it when you've got a few ideal moments (e.g., waiting for a dr. appointment to begin, kid pickup at school, waiting for jury duty selection to begin, etc.). Or round up your friends for a bi-weekly project social. See your friends, chat, gossip and complete whatever you're working on.
4. Dummy it Down. Simplify and Pick Easy Projects. Eliminate a level of stress by picking smaller projects, ones that are less complicated, time-demanding, and with fewer color choices or in.While I love to tackle complex needlepoint projects, I also recognize that the holiday season probably isn't the best time to do one. Pick a smaller project and give yourself a break. Remember it's ultimately the thought that counts, not the scale of effort.
5. Make Multiples. Make multiples of the gift you're making. Set yourself up with a simple production line for whatever you're making. Repeating the creation process gets easier with each one you complete, saving you time and effort in the long run.
6. Cut your coupons. By planning ahead (see Tip#1) and using your coupons, you plan out your materials list, saving yourself time and money. Take advantage of craft store's weekly sales and use store coupons to maximize your savings. And remember, most stores honor their competition's coupons if they sell similiar merchandise. So look for opportunities to double-dip on your savings.
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