Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shortcuts that make painting less of a chore

Having just completed another painting project, I want to share some learned wisdom that helped me complete my project with easy - Invest in technology to make painting less of a chore!

Simplify Your Cleanup with a Teflon coated paint tray. Save yourself time and effort on messy painting trays! Try Shur-line's Teflon coated paint tray. It's awesome! Let the paint dry, then peel the layer of paint off the tray, and you're ready to go on to the next painting project. BTW - it was strangely fun and fulfilling to do the peeling. Need for paint tray liner is also eliminated so you're also saving cash. Here's is the product link - http://www.shurline.com/PRODUCTS/TRAYS/tabid/100/Default.aspx?gclid=CLLn4cH2j5QCFQGfHgodWw6Ygg.

Paint, not Prime. Check out the current product offering from Benjamin Moore -- They've just released the new line - Aura - that eliminates the need to prime before painting. Check it out at the Benjamin Moore site (http://www.benjaminmoore.com/) Now that's a timesaver!

Keeping paint wet when taking a break. Mid-painting and need to take a break? Try this quick tip when you don't want the paint to dry on the brush: -- wrap the brush or roller in a plastic bag, securely tightly. Take it out of the bag when you're ready to resume painting!

Buy only the amount of paint you need. Don't get stuck with too little or too much paint. And save yourself some cash in the process by calculating the amount of paint you'll need to do your next job. Use the Benjamin Moore Calculator to find out how much will be right for the job. (http://www.www.benjaminmoore.com/en_ca/paintcalculator)

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